Bibliology (Study of the Bible)
The sole basis of our beliefs is the Bible; (God's infallible written Word). We believe the 66 books of the Tanakh and Apostolic Scriptures combined make up the canon of scripture and are inspired or God-breathed. We believe that the Holy Spirit uniquely, verbally, and fully inspired it and written without error (inerrant) in the original manuscripts. (PSALM 18:30; 2TIM 3:16) The Bible is the supreme and or final authority in all matters it speaks.
Theology Proper (Study of the doctrine of God)
We believe that God ”Elohim” (the Father, Son, and Spirit) exists eternally (PSALM 90:2). We believe YHVH is sovereign. We believe He is absolute justice. We believe He is omniscient or all-knowing. (PSALM 44:21; 139:2-4; ROM 11:34) We believe He is omnipotent or all-powerful. (GEN 18:14; JOB 38-39) We believe He is omnipresent. (PSALM 139:7-8; REV 1:8; 22:13) We believe He is the Truth. (EX 34:6; NUM 23:29; PSALM 25:10; 89:14) We believe He is immutable or unchangeable. (PSALM 102:26-27)
Christology (Study of Yeshua ‘Jesus’)
We also believe the attributes mentioned above to the Son of God, Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ). In addition, by His unique position as the God-man (PHIL 2:5-8) and by the nature of His virgin birth (MATT 1:23), we believe He was an acceptable sacrifice to God and mankind. (1TIM 2:5) We believe by His shed blood He justified the unrighteous, (ROM 5:9) redeemed the slaves of sin, (EPH 1:7; 1PET 1:18-19) propitiated the wrath of the Father, (ROM 3:25; 1JOHN 2:2, 4:10) reconciled mankind to face God, (ROM 5:10; COL 1:1).
Pneumatology (Study of Rauch Kodesh ‘Holy Spirit’)
The Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead, and He is co-equal with the Father and the Son. (MATT 28:19; ACTS 5:3-4; 1COR 2:11-12; PSALM 139:7; JOB 33:4; ROM 8:2) We believe the Holy Spirit participated in the creation of the universe. (GEN 1:2; JOB 26:13; PSALM 147:14-18) We believe the Holy Spirit inspired the authors of the Bible, and thus, (2PET 1:21; 2TIM 3:16) We believe The Holy Spirit sanctifies the believer to Torah living. (2THESS 2:13)
Harmatology (Study of Sin) / Soteriology (Study of Salvation)
The problem is sin, and since Elohim (God), Perfection and Justice cannot allow sin to go unpunished. We believe the penalty for sin is spiritual death (EPH 5:1) and physical death (GEN 5:5). We believe Yeshua removed the penalty of sin by His death on the cross, being spiritually separated at the point of His death from the Father and Holy Spirit. We believe this act of expiation paid the price needed to satisfy God's wrath against sin. (MATT 27:46; JOHN 19:30; COL 2:14) By being born-again to covenant Faith in Yeshua, the Holy One of Israel, our old sinful nature is now dominated by a new nature in righteousness. Salvation of Faith is a process and relationship of 1) Justification: Declared righteous by Yeshua (ROM 4:25); 2) Sanctification: Separate or Holy for God (1PET 1:2); and 3) Glorification: Ressuerction and blessed Hope (1PET 1:3)
Ecclesiology (Study of the Ekklesia ‘assembly’ not two Torah)
We believe the primary purpose of the local assembly is to mature those who are saved for service and the building up of the Ekklesia (assembly) in Torah living. (EPH 4:12) Assembly functions by the leadership in the assembly working together in harmony through the gifts given by the providence of Yeshua, working through the Holy Spirit. (1COR 12:11) These leadership gifts include apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. (EPH 4:11; 1COR 12:28)
The larger body of the Messiah is grafted into believing Israel in Yeshua. We are called into covenant with Elohim, and as the covenant was made to Jacob to become a people who overcome to be the Assembly of Israel, the covenant continues. Israel began with one man, Jacob. God made several covenants with Abraham and his descendants.
Eschatology (Study of End Times)
We believe every person on the face of the earth has an appointment with God. (HEB 9:27) You may have your appointment at salvation (1THESS 5:9), or you may have an appointment with God (REV 20:11) at the Great White Throne. Yeshua will return as King of Kings to set up His kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven for a thousand-year reign. Believing Israel is adorned and becomes the married bride of Yeshua. (REV 19&20)